Kamis, 30 Oktober 2014

Iniii salah satu tugas gw di sekolah wkwk..yapsss bikin essay ttg kenapa dan kenapa?..
gw pun gatau kenapa suruh bikin tugas kaya gini, ya gapapa lah namanya juga belajar wkwk >..<
Ini dia cekidot..
NB. kalo ada yg salah boleh bgt dikoreksi ;)

Every day we get a new knowledge. After we born every people surrounding us have been educating many things. Automatically we get education from our parents, school, and our environment. We have to get this almost because we have to know every thing and there may have some purposes like :
We need education to prepare for work and fulfilling every aspects of life. We see that every people need education to support in their work. If they don’t have any knowledge in their mind, they will find difficulties to find a job. Every job needs people who have good mind and knowledge. For examples  we know that people who want to be a doctor or an architect, they need more knowledge how to get their occupations. Then, they must take some educations to reach their dreams.
The education is also for life supporting as a human being. It is like a food for our mind and our needs in our life Every people must know about the advancement of the era. People need to know many things like health, how to make some thing, how to use some technologies and engineering tools to help us in our work. Those technologies are like a gadget, a computer, transportation tools or machines in our house. This is why the people need to know every thing is important because if they don’t know the effects or the function of some thing, they will be frauded by some one else. Every time a technology is change to be   better for human needs in their life. Then, we must learn how to use those facilities and machines well to help us in our activities and work more easy.
The other purpose of education is to make a good sosial interaction between people. If we don’t have any knowledge, we won’t have some politeness behaviour to talk with some one. We look at the an educated people and an unaducated people who are talking each other, maybe difficult to make an interaction between them because there is no good connection on their talk. Maybe one of them didn’t know how to receive the idea because they have no education or knowledge. That relation in human society is important for our life. If we knew some thing more than our society, we would be respected and appreciated in our environment.
The next purpose is to develop our self as a human being and develop our country. We have to know which one of this world must be guarded. Every people need to safe their self and their world as their needs in life. Then, we must learn to make our self better and keep our world  safely. Maybe many people make some air damage in our country but I think they have some reasons why they did it. So we as a good people have to keep our world from that breakage.
The important thing of education is to make our selves think about many things we find in our life. If the people don’t think any thing, they will be an abnormal people like a crazy people. We as a normal people have to think many things we deal in our life like to think our lesson and our problem. If we don’t have any education and knowledge, we will fail or give up because we don’t know what we are going to do in our life.

Those are the purposes why do people need education. Without any education we are nothing in this life. We need it because every people have to live and to develop their selves better than before. This education is also to complete our life as human being.

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